Sonnet Book

We have a run of 750 sonnetbooks. Each book signed by William S



Vices and Virtues

The 7 Deadlies as linked to major demons and devils and their antidotes.

Lucifer- Pride or Vanity vs Humility
Mammon- Greed or Covetousness or Avarice vs Liberality
Asmodeus or Ashmodai- Lust vs Chastity
Satan- Anger or Wrath vs Patience
Beelzebub- Gluttony vs Abstinence
Leviathan- Envy vs Kindness
Belphegor- Sloth vs Diligence

Habitual sin is Vice.

Religiously, the Protestants vs the Catholics pretty much sums up Sh’s time. The Catholics were losing as International Commerce and Piracy was winning. Luther and Calvin were the important figures in Protestantism, though the Anglican Church was formed not solely by desire to adhere to either’s teachings but by Henry 8’s idea to divorce Catherine of Aragon to bed Anne Boleyn. Ironically this union resulted in England’s greatest Queen, Elizabeth 1st.

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