Sonnet Book

We have a run of 750 sonnetbooks. Each book signed by William S



The morning after the latest atrocity:

Fight gravity, not war! Shoot barbs of wit, not bullets!

maybe this kid had a dark sense of humour and a taste for immortality until his record too gets broken? All i really know is media spin, anchorpersons in masks of severe gravitas announcing the things i, like them, can usually see, hear and deduce from the ever the same shots from the cameras on the scene: security, policemen and SWAT with drawn guns hiding behind trees, a snippet from a mobile phone, the sound of rapid gunfire.

And all that incessant speculation to fill in time, with experts and pundits on last time and never again etc. The anchorperson fed by his/her earpiece, then spins off repetitiously for the viewers just arriving, everyone anxiously waiting, waiting for the next piece of breaking news. Sick on all counts! It’s rubber-necking at an accident scene. The horror, the horror, the horror, the…!

And the worst part is the same number of victims are being made daily in Baghdad n Iraq n ‘ghanistan, fueled and financed by this rampager’s own host government! When you legitimise violence it breeds violence, usually from revenge. Seeing as the American forces are using Henry the Fifth for their troops morale, think of, or look up the tennis ball scene and Salic Law scenes in Act 1.

Does Weapons of Mass Destruction ring a bell? Any flimsy premise will do for grim-visag’d War IF the governing power wants or needs it. Queen Elizabeth used John Dee to trace a lineage via an 11thC Welsh Prince Madoc to legitimise her entree into North America. So the general idea has legs in Western History. These are anyway basic Macchiavellian tactics. And so to Sh….

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