Sonnet Book

We have a run of 750 sonnetbooks. Each book signed by William S



Playwrights on playwriting…

…having read parts of ‘Shakespeare by Another Name’ by Mark Anderson last night and in response to the idea of Roland Emmerich doing a movie about how SHakespeare didn’t write Shakespeare.

I think it rather interesting that none of the following playwrights have never questioned the fact that Shakespeare didn’t do what is said to have been done by him.

Henrick Ibsen, Emile Zola, August Strindberg, Anton Chekhov, Maurice Maeterlinck, William B. Yeats, John Galsworthy, Bernard Shaw (who did say he would have given SH a run for his money), William Archer. John Millington Synge, Jean Cocteau (though he did believe Sh was a freemason like kimself) Luigi Pirandello, Federico Garcia Lorca, Jean Giraudoux, Ernst Toller, Eugene O’Neill, Bertolt Brecht, Thornton Wilder, Jean Paul Sartre, T.S. Eliot, Tennessee Williams, Christopher Fry, Friedrich Duerrenmatt, Sean O’Casey, Arthur Miller, John Osborne, Eugene Ionesco, Harold Pinter and Samuel Beckett.

Consider that conspiracists. I thought Oliver Kamm stood up very well to the nonsense of Conspiracist attacks on his article exposing their weaknesses.

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