Sonnet Book

We have a run of 750 sonnetbooks. Each book signed by William S




Iambicity .- .- .- .- .-


Dat wil zeggen, in da groove, in da groove.


These 10 syllables are an iambic line in Dinglish.


Iambicity is what was happening when Shakespeare wrote his Sonnets. Everyone was  doing it or having it done for them.  Sprinkle a little sugar on the ink and you deliver  a letter to be licked in consummation of the distant lover’s desire for you the object of their desire.


Is the heart more sensitive than the touch? Is inside more important than outside? Beauty, kindness, truth, intelligence, grace, and generosity. Do they dwell in you in harmony or strife; or die neglected like heedless weeds? You decide your self’s verdict. Is this Free Will?


This idea of the wit and the will was very strong in Shakes’ (pron. Shake-sez) time.

A chain of being classified his and everyone else’s life

ascending (despite descending here) from the

level of base existence, i.e.mountains and cliffs, golden streams, rocks, minerals, shells, jewels, etc.

along with and part of the 4 elements of earth, water, air, and fire  and their qualities of cold and dry, cold and wet, hot and dry, hot and wet.


To the level of life and life’s cycle, i.e. plants, trees, bushes, insects and bugs and bacterias and butterflies etc.


To the level of life + consciousness, i.e.  all 4-legged animals large and small, reptiles and fishes and birds. (no need for an aquarium on board the ark)?


To the level of life + awareness of that consciousness, i.e. humans with all their strengths and weaknesses.

Plus (and or ironically) a range of chaotic passions installed in the brain and body that consciously/unconsciously run contrary to that other splendid god-given, man-developed category of ordered reason and patterned rationale.

The Elizabethans believed emotions and the passions were created by the working of the 4 humours: sanguine, melancholic, choleric, phlegmatic.

And to cap it all off the ability to speak and write. To set the mind a’thinkin about itself a’thinkin and make abstract-concrete that thinking. And finally to determine our sex with an x or y  gene, lending a primary urge and drive  to unite with that other, in order to propagate more of you both. 

Ethics trigger warning signals in your inner world and morals signal your behaviour to the outside world.

Every society develops a set, or honours one in tradition. I lost mine over the years and had to build a set of new ones more consciously. I had to re-learn value and worth, and cultivate common-sense and wit when interacting with others.

This internal-external drama finding a voice in poets and actors in an age when the European renaissance of painting and sculpture and architecture had opened the field for questioning and for creating change.

Then we jump another level closer to where life originates, a host of angels and those phantastical emanations like devils and demons etcetera, fairies and daemons, and nymphs and Nyads in disembodied and  incorporeal significance. Oh my! How easily a bush becomes a bear! Exit pursued by a bush.

And finally, ultimately and omnipotentlythe level

which is beginning and end, the one itself,

where masculine and feminine unite

and the self can be fully realised in

G— Almighty, who in his infinite wisdom created life and reality itself. 

And all its tricky little contradictions.


Meanwhile the process of age and decay is happening, even in you as you read. So in this moment what can preserve you best of best, but these lines? Cheating Time, despite his inevitable victory?

My voice honest before his rage, telling my truth to eternity, or as long as the power grid exists. Man’s oneness in a medium, consisting of aether. The realm of Angels, ethereal yet possessed with mighty powers. And typographical step-by-step we rush to a conclusion, e’en before the argument’s done.

In this sonnet series you win. You just can’t lose, if you stay the course. Stay true to you.

‘In so profound abysm I throw all care of others voices,
My adder’s sense to critic and to flatterer stopped are’. sonnet 112


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