Sonnet Book

We have a run of 750 sonnetbooks. Each book signed by William S



Mr H. S.

….I can safely say is an Oxfordian. And his authorship Truth is in the Sonnets. Reason enough to profile him and see what he has to say. This blog has a FB group page and this last few day’s pastime has been chasing Mr H.S. around the web seeing what he is up to. I […]

The Lodger…read in a day…

…first impressions.

The Bellot Mountjoy suit research he did kicks butt! Loads of little insights into everyday events that may or may not have been transformed into imagery and conceit.

i looked for the way the Jacobean lawyers who wrote the depositions spelled Shakespeare, and it was in each case Shakespeare; though others and SH […]

In lieu of lust…

…we seem to track the same columns. I can’t help myself. Must reply!

The last column I was at was a frenzied deniers’ fest of Baconians and Marlovians and Oxfordians all scrambling for the attention their cause can get. More power to ya.

But one of you please come up with some convincing proof. […]

Sh and libraries…

…spent more than enough time in ’em looking for him and those about him. So what was his experience of libraries?

Libraries were few and far between. And the Conspiracists use this to their supposed advantage, saying where oh where could a mere Shakespeare browse and study?

Well here’s one probable answer.

The largest […]

What if?

What if there were that much more to know about the complexity of the Elizabethan Theatre?

‘As an unperfect actor on the stage’

is practically my motto. I, as an actor, am not without mustard. I certainly sucked last night at the salon singing an awful rendition of Strauss’ Lied, Die Nacht. Then i […]

Slate slates Anonymous…

…so they take a visit to Babelsberg to see the film in production. And sensation it’s going to be. No explosions but implosions of the mind.

Sing: “Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the murky streets of Elizabethan London. I’ll show you something that’ll make you change your mind”.


Another reply to a professional doubter…

…ok i admit i’m an idiot. I can’t help myself. It’s funny those on my side of the fence shake their heads and say why waste your time? and those on the other shake their gory locks and shudder at how wrong we all are. I know where i stand

Hi Howard,

I see you […]

Nature Fakers…

…Yesterday’s wikipedia homepage carried a section on the Nature Faker controversy.

The nature fakers controversy was an early 20th-century American literary debate highlighting the conflict between science and sentiment in popular nature writing…Dubbed the “War of the Naturalists” by the New York Times, it showcased seemingly irreconcilable contemporary views of the natural world; while […]

Bohemian Storm in a teacup…

…reading James Shapiro’s book and the last chapter is his defence of Shakespeare of Stratford.

I’d like to say yet again the whole argument is beneath the amount of press it’s getting; irrelevant to enjoying and appreciating Shakespeare.

But serendipitously Shapiro supplies in the re-telling of this anecdote, the rebuttal to a commonly […]


…hey Tony, Vito, Joey. This guy says Shakespeare was a Protestant Italian. And this guy says he was a Catholic from England. WTF?

This proposition must be very confusing to members of the mob (ie the Mafia not the RAF). A non-catholic Italian?! A catholic Engl;ishman? The mob of course are used to people’s identities […]